Ensuring high-speed uninterrupted Connectivity and
future of Digital India.

RailWire, is a retail Broadband initiative of the RailTel with a
mission to make available "ICT to Common Man" & "Internet,
Education and Health Services to Masses". RailTel envisaged for extending
broadband and application services to the public including remote areas (in
association with Local Cable Operators and other access network providers, by
utilizing their last mile). RailWire is a unique and promising initiative of
RailWire for contribution towards Digital India and to make India as a Digital
and knowledge Economy for socio-economic development.
RailWire focuses on pure play broadband and VPN services and
offers content & application driven network. RailWire aims to become a hub
of local information and a tool for rendering communication, infotainment,
education, health and community services to the masses. Education, health and
entertainment will be the primary verticals in the Content Delivery Network
Digital Scenario
Digital infrastructure and services are increasingly emerging as
key enablers and critical determinants of a country’s growth and well-being.
With significant capabilities in both telecommunications and software, India,
more than most countries, stands poised to benefit from harnessing new digital
technologies and platforms to unlock productivity, as well as to reach unserved
and underserved markets; thus catalyzing economic growth and development,
generating new- age jobs and livelihoods, and ensuring access to next
generation services for its citizens.
India's telecommunication network is the second largest in the
world on the basis of its customer base and it has one of the lowest tariffs in
the world enabled by the hyper-competition in its market. The telecommunication
sector is contributing 6.50% in India’s GDP. Major sectors of the Indian
telecommunication industry are telephony, Internet and broadcasting.
of RailWire Broadband
Broadband is one of the most promising and capable sector of
Indian Telecom market for the growth of India’s economy and fulfilling the
vision of Digital India. The major objective of Digital India is to “Connect
the Unconnected” i.e. to connect all the Rural and Remote areas of India
digitally. As per the latest “The
National Digital Communication Policy 2018”, the main objective of this policy
is “Broadband for All” by 2022. As per the latest TRAI report, the total
broadband subscribers in India are 540.04 million (521.77 million Wireless and
18.27 million Wireline).
RailWire leverages RailTel’s OFC infrastructure of over 45000Kms
along railway route and all India presence to provide value-added services in
all sectors like retail sector, education sector, health & spiritual
lifestyle. RailWire focuses on pure-play broadband and VPN services and offers
content & applications-driven network, flexibility & affordable
pricing, all in one.
RailWire has become a hub of local information and a platform for
rendering communication, infotainment, education, health and community services
to the masses. RailWire is not all about managing the end-broadband-customers
through own infrastructure or shared infrastructure/last mile access like fibre
to the building (FTTB), fibre to the Home (FTTH) or similar technology but to contribute
in Digital India for the socio-economic upliftment of the society.
RailWire is actively participating in fulfilling the motive of Digital India, e-Governance and to connect all the nook and corners of India for Digital literacy.
- Through unique business model, RailWire is connecting over one lakh Indians digitally by providing various e-Health, e-Governance, e-Education and other Digital Services.
- RailWire is also promoting the startups by giving the opportunities to become the partner of RailWire as Managed Service Providers and also offering them “Startup Compensation” as an additional motivation factor.
- As a next step towards promoting Digital India and Skill India, RailWire is also motivating the unemployed youth to become as a “Digital Entrepreneur” by partnering with RailWire as “Access Network Provider”.
- “Broadband for All” is a new dream for emerging India and RailWire is also the key contributor of fulfilling this dream by connectivity remote and rural areas of India.
Vision- RailWire Saathi.
In the recent past RailTel has planned to launch a RailWire Saathi
The Railwire Saathi aims to provide connectivity to the
unconnected and at the same time offer jobs opportunities in rural areas.
Aiming to provide connectivity in remote areas, RailTel will set
up Wi-Fi hotspot kiosks at about 500 stations and help people access an array
of online services, including various government schemes.
Christened as Railwire Saathi, the Wi-Fi kiosks will function like
a PCO for Digital India and enable people to use services like e-commerce,
online banking, offer them access to open school/university and insurance
schemes, e-ticketing for train and bus services among others.
Automated form filling, mobile and DTH recharges are other
services which the Railwire Saathi is expected to provide in areas with limited
While RailTel has equipped about 1600 stations with free Wi-Fi
service, RailWire Saathi scheme has dual aim- providing connectivity as well as
A digitally connected India can help in improving social and
economic condition of people through development of non-agricultural economic
activities apart from providing access to education, health and financial
services. However, it is important to note that Broadband alone cannot directly
lead to overall development of the nation. The overall growth and development
can be realized through supporting and enhancing elements such as literacy,
basic infrastructure, overall business environment, regulatory environment,
etc. and RailWire is a way to achieve India’s digital goals.
An article by: RailWire CO Team