RailTel Corporation a "Mini Ratna (Category-I)" PSU is one of the largest neutral telecom infrastructure providers in the country owning a Pan-India optic fiber network on exclusive Right of Way (ROW) along Railway track. The OFC network covers all important towns & cities of the country and several rural areas covering 70% of India's population. RailTel with strong nationwide presence is committed to bring cutting edge technology and offer innovative services to the Indian Telecom market.
RailTel is in the forefront in providing nationwide Broadband Telecom & Multimedia Network in all parts of the country in addition to modernization of Train operations and administration network systems. With its Pan India high capacity network, RailTel is working towards creating a knowledge society at various fronts. Presently, RailTel has created over 51933 RKMs of fiber network connecting over 4500 cities/towns on the network including several rural areas.
The network is supported by multiple of 10G/2.5G based STM-64/16 system rings. In addition, RailTel has also provided over 10500 KM of network with DWDM systems with 100G/400G capacity which is targeted to be further expanded to additional 14000 KM within a year to cover all major cities of the country. RailTel also has a MPLS network with core on 10G capacity along with NGN system to support various IP enabled services.
Equipped with cutting edge I.T certifications like ISO 20000 , ISO 27000 and CMMI-Level 3 certifications, RailTel offers a wide gamut of managed telecom services to Indian Telecom market. The service includes Managed lease lines, Tower colocation, MPLS based IP-VPN, Internet and NGN based voice carriage services to Telecom Operators, Internet Service Providers, MSOs, Enterprises, Banks, Govt. Institutions/dept., Educational Institutions/Universities, etc. RailTel is aggressively entering into Enterprise services market with launch of its various services like Data Center, Railwire, Telepresence, etc.Recently RailTel has also acquired Unified License.
In addition, RailTel with its rich experience in the domain of Telecom & ICT field have been selected for implementation of various mission-mode Govt. projects in the telecom field. Under such initiatives, RailTel is rolling out National Knowledge Network (NKN), National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) and North East OFC project under USOF scheme.